Honesti.me Calendar (31)
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Michael Alan Kolb (Mak) has a BA in psychology, is a Senior Trainer at the Radical Honesty Institute and creator of honesti.me


He lives in Costa Rica where he is co-founder of

Cascada Elysiana Eco Retreat Center.


A former musician from L.A. and Austin who toured the U.S. on his eco-bus, he is passionate about languages and living a creative life.


Laura D'Ocon was born in Barcelona and moved to Miami at 17. She has a degree in Mass Communications & Journalism and worked in the media industry for nearly a decade as a journalist.

"I discovered Radical Honesty while working as the Marketing & Retreat Manager at Cascada Elysiana in Costa Rica and am an eager and passionate student of the practice. I wantto combine my passion for writing with this tool that has helped me to heal my past and have deeper relationships with the people I love. I hope you join us in this worthwhile experience of living life out loud!"


Carolyn Noury  is actively walking the path of Radical Honesty and is creating for herself a life rich with experience and learning.

She lives in Montreal where she works as a bodyworker with a holistic approach to the body and sexuality. She's also a rebirth guide and massage therapist.

She's passionate about conscious sexuality, ecstatic dance, and has a strong heart desire to accompany other souls on their journey to bring more pleasure into their lives.


Begoña Gilabert is a Radical Honesty Trainer candidate and a certified Life Coach by the European Mentoring and Coaching Council.

Born in Madrid and currently living in Amsterdam, Begoña has a BA in Economics and works for a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to promoting sustainability. 

She has been an RH practitioner since her first life-changing workshop in 2015 and is passionate about art (especially music and painting) and very curious about human beings.
